Umoja Village Offers Assistance During Healthcare for the Homeless Event at Gyles Park (08/08/2022)


Hoping to find solutions to the problems he faces, Christopher Miller attended the Healthcare for the Homeless event Monday at Gyles Park in Aiken.

“I’m here to get some help,” he said. “I’m poor and in poverty, and I’m homeless. Everybody who is homeless isn’t a drug addict. There are some people like myself that want to work, that can work and that are dedicated. I just want to become a good member of the community.”

A nurse practitioner and a doctor from Rural Health Services, which organized Healthcare for the Homeless, were available to answer questions. There also were opportunities to talk to representatives of government agencies and various nonprofits such as The Salvation Army of Aiken, Goodwill Industries, Mental Health America of Aiken County and Umoja Village.

Free food, hygiene kits and COVID-19 testing kits also were offered.

For Miller, Healthcare for the Homeless also was an uplifting experience because it showed him that “the community cares about people.

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Paige Isaac